eBook Access ($8 only)


About the Book

This is a powerful book and your ultimate guide in creating wealth through the Passive Income from Stocks Ownership. The author used a simplified approach that you can easily understand and execute, whether you have a background in finance or not.

The PISO Master is full of great insights backed by 17 years of experience in stock market and listed companies. This book will teach you how you can use the stock market as your platform in creating wealth, or at a minimum, as your second source of income.

The knowledge you will get from this book is worth a million and will be very helpful if you want to take your investments to the next level by developing your own algorithm to execute various trading strategies. After completing this book, you will have a much stronger background on financial markets, ready to go to the next stage — gaining from your expertise!



About the Book

This is a powerful book and your ultimate guide in creating wealth through the Passive Income from Stocks Ownership. The author used a simplified approach that you can easily understand and execute, whether you have a background in finance or not.

The PISO Master is full of great insights backed by 17 years of experience in stock market and listed companies. This book will teach you how you can use the stock market as your platform in creating wealth, or at a minimum, as your second source of income.

The knowledge you will get from this book is worth a million and will be very helpful if you want to take your investments to the next level by developing your own algorithm to execute various trading strategies. After completing this book, you will have a much stronger background on financial markets, ready to go to the next stage — gaining from your expertise!

In this book, you will master the following important areas in making wealth out of Passive Income from Stocks Ownership, which covers the essential topics for beginners and advanced investors and traders:

  • Philippine and Global Markets
  • Investment opportunities, risks and different investment vehicles
  • Crucial information on understanding how the stock market works
  • Important details on taking advantage of capital appreciation and dividends
  • Investment analysis and due diligence
  • Fundamental analysis covering macroeconomics, industry analysis and financial analysis
  • Valuation methods of a stock
  • Technical analysis using indicators and oscillators
  • 52-week High/Low Analysis
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Identifying signals to buy, sell or hold strategy
  • Mastering the “candlesticks”
  • Investment risk management
  • Stock trading strategies
  • Corporate scandals and insider trading… any many more!
  • Bonus!!! There will be PISO Master comments, tips and recommendations as your bonus points in this book!

Importantly, you will meet my “best employee” in this book, who works for me 24/7 and constantly gives me exceptional performance — his name is “Mr. Piso”.

Do you want him to be your employee and work for you also? In this book, you will find out how!

I know you can be wealthy! You can be successful! Just do it!

Investment for the Colored Printed Book: US$ 19.95 or PhP 999 or AED 75

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
in any form or any electronic means, including information stored in
a retrieval system, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from the Author.

Author: Lyndon Magsino

ISBN 978-621-02-0871-9

For information about permission
to reproduce selections from this book,
write to Philippine Business School.
Website: www.PhBusinessSchool.com
Email: Books@PhBusinessSchool.com

Publisher: Central Books Supply Inc.
Published in the Philippines


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